Day 1
This post is a part of a series on my three and a half week adventure road tripping to the west coast with three of my best friends in the Summer of 2018. I was challenged to write every day of the trip to document the adventure, so I did! My aim was to be as real and raw as possible while I was documenting and writing. Because of this, some days, I was honestly just not interested in writing, so I wrote very matter of fact “this is what we did.”
I wrote everything on my phone’s notes app, and below is word-for-word what I wrote each day. Nothing taken out, no elaborations.
As part of the challenge, I also made sure to take at least one picture every day, and each evening when I wrote, I picked one photo that I wanted to feature from that day. Some days it was hard to pick them, and other days I had only one to pick from.
A couple of notes: Each day that I wrote, I wrote the date, where I was writing from, and how many pictures I had taken that day. So the location doesn’t reflect where the picture was taken.
July 22nd Grace and Warner Richardson’s house - Laramie, Wyoming.Pictures taken: 2 Left home today. Have more mixed emotions than I thought I would. Not sure why, but I’ve been struggling to be as pumped for the trip as the rest of the guys. Been thinking of this trip for over three years, so I know I will get more pumped as we go! Big chunk of driving done today. After going through western Kansas and eastern Colorado I think anything will look beautiful!:P We are getting in after midnight to Laramie. Can’t believe we’re already in Wyoming!
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