Everything is a Remix Part 3 & 4 (Review)
The best inventions of history wouldn’t have been possible if they hadn’t used ideas from other inventions. In the third …
Living A Simple But Adventure Filled Life
The best inventions of history wouldn’t have been possible if they hadn’t used ideas from other inventions. In the third …
Did you know that from 2001-2011, 75% of the top 10 movies from each year were sequels, remakes of earlier …
What’s going to be the next big medium of the 21st century? The 16th century had Shakespeare and his plays, …
Could you live in a time when there were only 3 networks on TV? After talking in his last lecture …
The motion picture industry has been commercialized from its birth but did anyone in 1900 know the impact that it …
Ever looked at abstract art and thought “what the heck?” Modernism: a style or movement in the arts that aims …
Did you know most books in the 19th Century were released through magazines and newspapers, not through the full books …
Were classical musicians into composing for the money? In Paul Cantor’s fourth lecture, he talks about the commercialism in music. …
What percentage of Rembrandt paintings were actually painted by Rembrandt? In the third episode of Paul Cantor’s series on Commerce …
Was Shakespeare in the commercial world? Would he have done better if he had been left alone instead of having …
Has the free market increased the quality of art, or has it brought it down? Is institutional support for art …
What happened on 08/05/1858? You likely don’t know. In a lecture by Dr. Stephen Davies, he gives two lists of …
“You don’t know that ghosts don’t exist. Therefore they do exist.” Today I watched the last part in Dr. Sadler’s …
“If you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in the last election, you love Donald Trump.” While this may seem ridiculous, …
Ad Hominem – is it a logical fallacy or a good argument? “Donald Trump said something inappropriate about women, so …
How many times have you heard the phrase, “two wrongs don’t make a right”? I think almost every parent ever …
Is it good to make an argument based on your emotions? Is it good to make an argument based off …
What is the difference between a claim and an argument? Dr. Sadler, Critical Thinking Professor at Fayetteville University has a …
Is hypothetical thinking a waste of time? In this article by Bryan Caplan, he submits that it is not. Conversely, …
If you thought philosophy had one definition, here’s a podcast you need to listen to and an article you need …
Is there a connection between philosophy and successful entrepreneurs? The writer of this article seems to think so. He points …
Do you believe that you would be happier after winning 200 million dollars in the lottery or after being paralyzed …
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and they try to convince you of something you know is wrong? …
When someone gives you advice, are they giving you advice because they can see the future? Because they know what …
Have you ever been really tired after a long day of work? Like the kind of tired that if you …
What would you say is the likely outcome of a kid who had little to no academic schooling almost his …
“Just be positive. Believe you’re going to succeed and you will. Focus on the good, don’t think about the bad. …
Assessment is an incredibly important skill to have when working on projects or in a business. How can what we’re …
You are on a mountain top. You have spent the last 16 hours getting to this point. The view is …
You’ve been driving all day. You are tired, grumpy, and hungry. All you want is go to a room by …