Some people are completely content where they live. They never have thought of moving and never plan to move. In the current generation, this seems pretty rare. If you see this, it’s generally someone who lives out in the country or a smaller town. It seems like everyone under 30 wants to move or have some sort of an adventure.
But often what I’ve found is that even though everyone “wants” to move, they rarely do. Everyone hates where they live and complain about it all the time. It reminds me of a post I wrote a couple years back on how people talk about their work.
Even though everyone talks about hating the city they live in and wanting to move, why don’t any of them do that?
It made me wonder about asking people, what would it take for you to move? When you face these people who apparently hate where they live with an opportunity to move, would they take it? How big of an opportunity would it have to be for them to move? Would they have to be guaranteed a job once they were there? Would they have to have a connection already in the town?
If you’re someone who complains about where you live, start asking yourself the question, “why don’t I like it here?” Is the reason you don’t like it there even specific to the location or is it just because you like to complain no matter where you are?
Instead of complaining about where you, try and think of one positive thing a day about where you live. Tonight, as I’m visiting for a week where I lived in Missouri for almost a year, I was remembering all the unkind thoughts I had toward where I lived. It smelled like turkeys, it was humid, and it took forever to get anywhere.
But tonight, all I could think of was how grateful I was that it had a nice cool Spring evening, and for the green grass and trees all around. It reminded me of another post I wrote last year talking about the beauty that you see all around. The last picture in the post is the exact view I had tonight, minus the snow.
There really is beauty in every part of God’s creation.