I’ve written posts before about how no one cares about you (here and here)
Everyone is too busy thinking about themselves and how they think others perceive them to notice things about you.
In the same thread, I’ve found it’s easy to forget that other people exist. This sounds extreme, but what I mean by this is sometimes it feels like when you leave a room that all of those people’s lives have now ceased to exist. When you bring your mind to focus you know that’s obviously not true, but the mind is so often focused on yourself that it doesn’t have the comprehension that others are living just as complex lives as you are.
Someone else is analyzing the way they introduced themself, someone else is thinking about the girl that they met for the first time, someone else is thinking about the monotony of their life. Everyone is having complex thoughts filled with a complex life.
It sometimes seems impossible that others are thinking on the same kind of level as you are. Which can be true. Some people (like myself) have a high level of analyzation. I am constantly assessing the people I’m talking to the mode changes the shift in posture, etc. I notice those things so that I can attempt to be as relevant as possible to them.
There are some people who couldn’t care less about what others say or how others react to what they do. But almost everyone has a line of complex thought that many never see. Yes, even the guys that never speak have these.
When you realize that others are living their own separate lives as much as you are it’s an interesting awaking. As you walk through the airport, look at all the individual lives around you. Thousands upon thousands of complex thoughts and stories behind these people.
The last one that I sometimes think about is the people we see as stars on tv or music artists. It’s often weird for me to remember those are real people who are alive right now -who are dealing with their own complex mind and problems.
Everyone thinks deeply. Everyone is complex. Start some conversations.