Back toward the end of June, I wrote a post about multiple passions.

It’s very easy for me to get caught up wanting to do a lot of different things, but usually, that’s all the happens…wanting to do them.

I see other people doing a lot of other cool things and suddenly want to be a professional in all the things. I get caught with analysis paralysis. A dangerous place to be, because you think you have all these passions, but as far as the world is concerned, you could be a guy watching TV sitting on a couch all day.

Passion is cool, and you can be passionate about many things, but I’m not sure you can call it a passion if you’re not either actively working at it or working to get to it.

To follow a rabbit even further from the topic of this post, when I set goals, if they’re anything more than daily goals, I try not to look back at them. That may seem counter-productive, but I’ve found that by writing them down and publishing them, I can implant it in my mind then that it’s something I want to work toward, but it’s not something that is attainable the next day.

For instance, I totally forgot about the goals I mentioned in the post linked above, but as I look back on the last month and a half, I have focused in on those areas. I’ve been exercising consistently, I’ve been in the word studying more every day, and I’ve now worked on several video projects and am gaining a greater desire to dive even further into video making.

Back a little closer to the main topic, I still have a lot of passions and things I want to go after, but what I realized was that I really needed to jump into something. I am completely terrible at video editing, and don’t know what I’m doing 95% of the time. I also am shooting video on my iPhone alone. I don’t even know what kind of shots to take, but I decided to edit and put videos out there anyway.

Here’s the latest one I worked on

I had to jump in and show people crappy work because otherwise, it would always just be an idea in my head to go after. It was really the same reason I started blogging every day. I was an absolutely terrible writer. I still have so much room for improvement, but my writing from one year ago to today is like a completely different person. Not only that, but even if my writing wasn’t great, I’m more confident to write.

If you’re uncertain about if you want to do something or not, just jump into it. If you jump in and hate it, you can always hop back out. If you only ever dip your toes in, you’ll waste time and still never find out if you like the full experience.