I’ve been extremely inspired recently. Inspired to go out and become the best at something. The problem is, it happens daily with multiple things.

For a while, I had a low interest level in doing anything big. I’ve always been competitive in individual tasks and competitions but I didn’t have that “I want the world to know who I am” mentality. Though, I always knew I wasn’t using a lot of the gifts I felt like God had given me.

Recently, I’ve started realizing how many things I could pursue. Part of me wants to get really into traveling, part wants to really dive back into music creation or music performance, part wants to start creating videos, maybe even tied in with my own music. Part of me wants to spend all my extra time doing things to help my work out. Part of me wants to sign up for a gym and get stupid ripped. Part of me wants to study the Bible more and spend all my free time doing it. Part of me wants to develop deeper relationships with people, both people close to me and people long-distance.

Life’s tough because we only have a short time and can’t fit all the interests we’ll have into it.

I’ve had to start realizing what’s really important on this world.

For me, knowing that there will be a Heaven after this earth is comforting. Even though so much of me just wants to move into a van and travel the world, I know that it is better for me to be involved with a community and in people’s lives. I can have peace knowing that in Heaven, I’ll be able to travel anywhere I want, and if the God who created things that even in a cursed world blow my mind with beauty, I know that in the perfect world he is preparing there will be things that are incomprehensible in beauty.

I know that my focus needs to be on eternal things. Keeping my mind on the things above, not on the things below, but I also realize that there are things on this world that may not be “eternal” but still add value to life and the potential you have to share with others and be involved in others lives.

We so often get caught up in so many interests that we never dial in and actually go after anything. We might kind of dabble every once in a while but never fully commit to going after something.

That’s the point I’ve come to. I’ve realized I’m getting too caught up in all of the things that I want to do that I’m using that as an excuse not to do anything.

I’m just going to pick one to three things that I can go after right now. They might go well they might not but then at least I can walk in the door and see what it’s like in the room instead of only ever putting my foot in and never experiencing the full potential there is there.

I encourage you to join me. If you’ve been struggling trying to focus on something outside of work and can’t decide what that thing is, pick one to three things you’re going to pursue for the next month to three months and then go full speed ahead and see what happens.

For me, I’ve decided these things are:

Bible studying


Video making

I still need to make specific daily goals within each category, but these are the three main areas that I want to focus on, so that’s what I’m going to do.

Pick three things you want to be a better version of your current self in and then make a daily game plan to get there.

One Reply to “How to Deal with Multiple Passions”

  1. NACW says:

    Love this post! It is so true and hits home for me. Talk about wasted time in many years, and not accomplishing anything.

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