It’s crazy how slowly changing our patterns of life makes us almost completely oblivious to the new normals we embrace on a daily basis.

This happened a lot with COVID. Things that never used to be normal quickly became the new normal, and not it feels weird not to do that thing.

Today, I experienced a joy-filled activity that reminded me of this. I spent almost 8 hours straight playing sports outside. I haven’t done this in quite some time, but it reminded me that I used to work outside all day long for several years of my life. When I worked as a lifeguard at a waterpark, and then later when I worked construction in rural Kansas.

It’s a feeling of exhaustion that feels incredible. You go to bed and your whole body is almost achy from how hard you worked, but it feels so good. It feels like you actually did something with yourself.

I now work all day every day inside, my main chance to get outside is on the weekends. It’s become my new normal, and sometimes going outside doesn’t even appeal to me because it’s so hot, but then I do go outside and exhaust myself and sweat a ton and it feels amazing.

Sometimes you simply need a day in the sun to remind you of what you’re missing out on.