When you go buy groceries for a homeless person, it’s hard to believe that you’ll actually have an impact on the person. Maybe it will feed them for a couple of meals depending on what you get them. Maybe some bread and peanut butter.
At the end of the conversation and hearing a bit of their story, you pray for them. For God to bless them and to show His love for them and that they would seek after Him.
You leave the person, you may never see them again. Did you really make an impact at all? The honest answer is that you may not have had much of an impact. Even more likely that you may never see that person again.
But, thankfully you don’t have to worry about your impact on the person. Only God’s impact is what matters and you never know what he’s going to use to impact someone else. God is always at work and can use the smallest thing to impact things in the largest way. If He can use a bat to string a virus across the entire world and shut it down, He can use a meal for a homeless person for something outside anything you could think of.