There are many kinds of personalities as it comes to conversation. Some people would rather die than have any kind of confrontation at all. Some people couldn’t go 5 minutes in a conversation without having a huge disagreement and argument about something.

You can see this exponentially looking at relationships. Some couples it seems always argue. Some seem so nice all the time it’s weird, some just mesh really well and seem to move right along. Some are sarcastic 70% of the time.

At heart, my people-pleasing mentality makes me try to avoid conflict at all times, but the older I get, the more I realize that often the best conversations and most needed conversations are the ones that you have the most to lose. Going in and telling someone something that they don’t want to hear and that potentially could jeopardize your friendship. These conversations should not be taken lightly, but they should happen.

When someone needs to be talked to, if you’re close enough to that person, should be willing to do that. If you truly care about them. It’s important to be supportive of them, but sometimes support of them as a person doesn’t mean always agreeing and being cool with everything they do. When you need to help them as a person, don’t hesitate.

When you love someone, you should be willing to sacrifice your friendship with them if it is for their greater good. Start thinking about that as you interact with your friend groups.