Have you ever found out interesting facts about famous things that you never would have thought of? Today, while randomly looking at an article about copper, I realized that copper when exposed to oxygen, turns a greenish-blue color. I recognized the color — the Statue of Liberty.

After one Google search, I found out that the Statue of Liberty, when it was first given to America, was a copper color, not the greenish-blue color it is now. Something most people wouldn’t have thought of or known since it is so iconic for the color it is now.

There are most likely many of these things in iconic landmarks and places around the world that we are oblivious to, yet they are all we know, so we see only the parts that we know and don’t know the history behind them.

It’s amazing what we don’t know.

Other fun facts about the Statue of Liberty: the copper within the statue was enough to make 435,000,000 pennies.