Why does it seem that often after we say something is like it is, that we are soon proven wrong?
Sometimes it’s stuff we have no control over. “The Broncos haven’t lost a home game in x weeks.” That week they lose a home game. Sometimes it is more personal. We say that we don’t ever do something and the next day we accidentally do the thing.
Is it random? Is it because we’re thinking more about it? In any case, it can be a serious blow to the pride when this happens…I got a taste of this medicine today.
In my post a few days ago I laid out the things you should absolutely NOT do on Zoom. Of course, not three days later I find myself accidentally doing one of the things. I accidentally didn’t unmute myself when I started talking.
I soon heard the “You’re on mute Joey.” “We can’t hear you.” I felt completely ashamed and terrible. It wouldn’t have been a big deal except for the fact that I JUST WROTE A BLOG POST ABOUT NOT DOING IT.
I don’t know what my takeaway from this is. I guess just to be careful what you say when you start calling people who do it dumb. You might find yourself doing it sooner than you think.