One of the things I’ve missed most while being in this quarantine is outdoor sports with friends. Three of my favorite things all combined into one. Friends, outdoors, and sports. While I’ve been able to do some outdoor yard games, I haven’t been able to play full on sports.
Tonight, I was finally able to get outside with the family and play some volleyball. It’s enjoyable being able to have a family that is big enough to play our own games. 6 on each side for volleyball. We certainly aren’t all the best at the sport, but for some of the people on the court, it had been three years since they had played last — when we were all on a family vacation in Virginia
Even though we’re not the best, our family is competitive enough that it’s still an enjoyable time. We make fun of each other and no one is above a “boo” from the rest of the family.
Being able to bring my girlfriend into the dynamics of my family has been so fun. Especially because of how well she fits into and seems to thrive in it. I deeply love the idea of seeing friends in different environments because I believe it allows us to get to know them better than we ever could have only seeing them in one setting. Being in a relationship has been no different.
It’s been hard to be around each other in different settings due to the world being closed, but tonight was another opportunity…it also helps that she’s incredibly athletic and hustles like no other on the court. Saying she fits into the family dynamics is truly an understatement.
Sports with a family that I love is sweet, and bringing someone I love into that is even sweeter!