Talking with several people today over Zoom calls, it seemed like this virus is really running it’s course. Not physically, though it’s obviously doing that too, but people who are usually joyful people were much less chipper.
Several of them said that the quarantine was really starting to hit them. Even one of the girls who’s majorly introverted said that it was nice, and even exciting for a few weeks that she didn’t have to go out, but now she was getting restless and wanted to see others.
It made me think, similarly to what I mentioned in my post yesterday, that it’s important to do the things that you can do, and to do them as much as possible. Besides that, I’ve also been feeling a strong desire to be learning out loud during this time.
In the discipleship group that I’m a part of on Thursday nights, we will make go and grow goals. The go goals are things that often require us to get out of our comfort zone socially. Sharing our stories and lives with others, the grow goals are how we can look at our own lives and work on our “personal development” you might call it.
Since in this time, it’s often hard to figure out how to make “go” goals, I want to try and combine. As I’ve said often before, I believe the best way to learn something is to learn out loud. For the benefit of yourself and others. By learning out loud, you’re able to both consume and produce at the same time. Even if you’re not producing something crazy for the world, you’re still doing more than only consuming.
I don’t know exactly what that looks like, but now more than ever seems a prime time to be learning while showing. The world will watch and read pretty much anything right now while they can’t go out, instead of being only a consumer, be a producer!