Some people say yolo, but I prefer to look on the plus side instead of the negative.
“Experimentation is the spice of life” happens to be my go-to.
I’ve realized recently how much the desire for new things and excitement really impacts so many parts of my life. Whether it be location, friendships, hobbies, sports, etc. So many parts of my life have been because of the mindset of doing it for experimentation’s sake.
I’ve enjoyed parts of it because I have learned so many things over the years and had many different experiences, but it’s also caused me to never really have a niche. I’ve dabbled in so many areas that I never focused on one.
It’s important to remember though that experimentation really is just the spice of life. The minute experimentation becomes your life you will realize very quickly that you are missing something. No matter how many cool new places you visit, no matter how many new foods you try, no matter how many good people you meet, if you don’t come back to have something solid to ground all of that in, there’s going to be something missing.
If you don’t have the main course to put the spices on, you are massively going to miss out.
I love trying and experiencing new things, but each time I have to come to the realization that the only thing that’s ever going to fully satisfy me is Christ. I can put a lot of spices on it to make it more fulfilling and so that I enjoy it more, but at the end of the day, the thing that’s going to fulfill me is that main course — Christ.
People will seek after so many things to find fulfillment, and a lot of stuff tastes good for a bit, but it’s not the long-term answer.
Don’t be afraid of adding some spices. Some experimentation into your life. It’s good and can make it way more enjoyable in some ways, but remember to keep the main thing the main thing and knowing that the experimentation is just an add-on, not a replacement.