In the Hardcore History Podcast I’m listening to on WW1, one of the things he mentioned was that in 1917, when the US was deciding whether to enter the war or not, their military was the 17th largest in the world…pretty small.

We were hardly using any planes for military purposes and overall, didn’t have a big force. It’s hard for me to imagine in modern-day America seeing America being so low on the totem pole. The US was not a super-power in those days, they were just another help to the allies.

It’s crazy how ignorant I often am of a lot of the history of our nation. There are so many things that America did or was 100 years ago that are almost incomprehensible to us.

I also didn’t realize that there was talk of Mexico joining WW1 on the side of the Central powers until listening to this podcast. That would totally change so much of what happened. Germany was even trying to get the Japanese in on it too. 

Whata history. Can’t believe I’ve avoided it before.