That might be the stupidest title I’ve ever created but hey, let’s go for it.

I’ve noticed recently that it seems a lot of people my age are in this state. A state of “searching but not looking.”

What do I mean by this?

Travel has become a huge obsession of this generation. I don’t know that I’ve talked to anyone under the age of 30 that doesn’t say they would like to do something that involves travel for a living.

People want to explore and seek out the world, but they’re not really looking for something. They might think that they are, but they never want to settle. It’s restlessness. Always looking for the next thing to bring them joy but knowing that they can’t stay for long or they’ll become discontent.

They don’t give time to anything because they’re too interested in finding out the next thing. The deep conversations are only so deep as leads to the next topic. They’ll talk about anything but they only do it to consume, not to learn.

Sometimes, you can get so caught up in being so open to everything that you learn nothing. You never actually look for the truth because you feel unfair settling when you haven’t heard everything.

The problem is, you will never hear everything in your lifetime, so some things come down to decisions. You have to make a decision to believe or go after something. Does that mean that something has to be right? Of course not. You pursue it, and if it’s not right you learn from it. Until you do though, you can’t move on.

You can say that you’re seeking truth but unless you truly believe something or are seeking to understand something, you aren’t seeking truth. You are running away from having to understand truth.

Don’t continue searching without actually looking. What if you someday stumble upon the truth, but you’re so busy looking for the next truth that you miss the most important one?

Seek and you will find, ask and the door will be answered