If someone comes up to you and asks if you want to hear about their religion, probably the answer is no. Or maybe it’s not no, but you already know going into the conversation that you are likely going to disagree with the person.
Whether it’s because everyone seems to believe something different or because the kind of people who share their religion in this context tend to be outside what you believe, who knows.
What I’ve been asking myself recently though is “why do these people do this?”
I’ve written a post before about why I’ll beg someone to follow Christ. But I have to constantly ask myself what my reasons are for asking someone about their religion or sharing my own. Even within my own faith. My friends who share the faith, it seems I’m often looking for ways to disbelieve what they say and put what I believe on a pedestal.
To be sure, what you believe, you should believe is truth. Because of that, you should fight for truth. But often what others disagree with me about are small items that aren’t that big of issues, yet I get so caught up in the dogma of it that I am willing to fight as hard as possible to maintain “rightness”.
What are you fighting for that isn’t worth fighting for?