Some people have the gift of organization, others do not.
Still at the same time, different people have different levels of organizational abilities. Though I’ve found most transfer well to the other.
For example, some people are great at keeping their houses and kitchens organized. Others are great at keeping their calendar and list of events organized. Some thrive with group organization. Bringing dozens, or even hundreds of people together for an event.
There are differing levels of gifting for this, but I’ve found it really is more of a soft skill than a hard skill. Of course it’s a skill that can be learned over time, but there is a certain amount of natural ability when it comes to this that can almost never be learned…I don’t say never can be because some people work pretty dang hard to accomplish things.
If you were to pick one of the three to organize, which would you be? Would you be the house organizer, the calendar organizer, or the people organizer?