When you get married, you in turn take over a percentage of planning for someone else’s life. Unless you have a completely dysfunctional marriage, you will be planning someday and nights together. Whether that’s nights that only the two of you do something or an event one of your friends invites you to, so you have to make sure the other is available.
Almost everything you do affects the other person’s plans. You have to make sure whenever you make plans that the other person knows about it so that they don’t plan anything.
If I’m honest, I don’t know what people did before shared calendars. Now that I’m married, I realize how independent my family really must have been, because my mom kept a big calendar in the kitchen for us, but there were certainly some things that never got on there, but it wasn’t a huge deal because there weren’t a ton of expectations for everyone to be at every single thing…though I can also see how this would be hard to plan around being the parent who’s cooking meals, etc.
It’s a lot of responsibility taking on the planning of someone else’s life, and it’s hard to give them ability to do planning in your life, but it’s also good. It opens you up to possibilities that you wouldn’t have had if you were on your own.
I would say go plan someone’s life as a challenge…but I don’t think that’s a great idea, so instead…take yourself a little less seriously so that when someone comes to take over a part of planning your life, it’s not too hard.