You’ve likely heard the saying “I’ll try anything once.” Is this a good quote to live by? Would you actually try anything once?
Some people might see it and think it’s complete foolishness. That only someone with no wisdom would be willing to do anything once. Others, people with a higher adventure threshold might be tempted to say this is their actual personality type.
If you’re a normal person, you likely see it as something that could be good in certain circumstances, but shouldn’t be taken to extremes. Of course I’m not going to purposely flip my car once just to see. That’s exponentially more extreme than “I’ll eat this kind of cheese I’ve never had because I’ll try anything once”.
It’s interesting how different people can really be, and I feel this question is a great indicator of it. There are some people that really just would rather not try new things. These are often the people that are almost impossible to peer pressure into something. The people who could care less whether you call them names for not doing something. They’ve made their mind up, and they’re not going to budge.
Others, you could barely mention something and they feel challenged to then do that thing. If you even mention that they’re lame for not doing it, they are fueled with all the fire to go and do that thing.
What contexts might you be someone who would “try anything once”? Is it food? Is it sports? Is it workout challenges?
We can all (or almost all of us) agree that there are some things that should never be tried, but I challenge you to try something this week that you normally wouldn’t do. What harm will come if you try it one time? Maybe you’ll love it, maybe you’ll hate it. But how will you know unless you try?