One of the funny things about things like retreats is that there is a whole lot of stress and planning that often goes into them. Depending on what kind of a retreat.
If you’re just going to a retreat that someone else is hosting, it may not be as big of a deal, but when you’re the one planning it, you have prepf ro many things that you have to do.
I think even to my backpacking experiences. You have to do a TON of work on the front end so that you can go out into nature and have a peaceful time. I often wonder if it’s simply a culturally thing around the planning and the need for things to go perfectly or if that’s normal for people around the world.
I look forward to these times of retreat to get away a bit from life, but I do sure wish that the process of making them happen would be smoother.
And on that note, it’s time to turn my laptop off for the weekend while I go out and camp and soak in some nature…it’s about time.