Looking at the history of China, some estimates say that at the beginning of the 20th century, the literacy rate was less than 25%. Looking at varying sources, it seems likely that it was somewhere between 25-35%. Maybe as high as 40% for men, but women were likely closer to 10-15% literacy.
At the time, China had a population close to 500,000. At 25%, that means that 375,000 were illiterate. Looking at a recent statistic from 2018, China’s literacy rate is now at 97%. The US’s literacy rate is 86%. Who knows where all of these statistics come from, but it does make me realize how different of a society we live in now than was around 100 years ago.
Most people today, unless they are in developing countries, are going to be able to read. Not all, of course, but it’s common now for people to be able to. There are things possible because of this…for example, social media. It wouldn’t possible, or at least not to the extent it is now, if people couldn’t read. It would be odd if someone couldn’t read today in America.
Though that probably sounds like a privileged thing to say, as there are of course areas of every city in which there are large quantities of people who cannot read. However, even these people at least have some understanding of how to piece things together – again, partially because of social media.
The society we live in that idolizes “education” certainly has some downfalls, but it sure is a blessing to live in a place when people are free to read and to discover what they can. I hope it only continues so that all can seek, and through seeking, find.