Many are familiar with the 5 love languages book/theory. That, in general, people give or receive love in 5 main areas.
Quality Time, Acts Of Service, Physical Touch, Gift Giving, Words of Affirmation.
You can take quizzes or ask other people what they think yours are, or you can think of them yourself. Mine happen to be in the order that the above are listed. This season is an annoying season for me because I am not great at gift-giving. That is to say, I do love to give a good gift, but I am not gifted in knowing what gift to get others. I’m much better at just making time to spend with them and making it a special time. When I actually have to think of something to give them, I’m terrible.
It’s annoying to me that the Christmas holiday is so centered around physical gifts when it seems like there are so many other ways that people receive gifts, but it’s odd to “give” gifts that aren’t tangible.
Thankfully, with those you love and who are close to you, you can have real discussions around what each person seeks and desires, and you can come to agreements about how you’re going to show your appreciation for them. Some people act like it has to all be secretive, but that’s nonsense. Why be secretive and run the risk of awkward encounters rather than be honest and transparent and do things that people like to do and that make them feel special?
That being said, some people feel most special when there is something that you keep a secret from them and plan for them. Everyone is different, and that’s the point. This season is all about the physical gifts, but I say, don’t be afraid to have that conversation with the people you love most and figure out, how can you truly show your appreciation for them in this season?
After all, when Jesus came to this earth, he gave the greatest gift that could be given, and it was a combination of all of the love languages.
He came to this world and gave his TIME, to speak to us and give us WORDS to live by, then, showing his great love, ACTed on our behalf by dying on the cross for our sins. Then, after doing this, he PHYSICALLY gave each of us, his Holy Spirit to live within us and lead us in the way of truth.
…Some of those may be a stretch,…but the point stands.