Have you ever gone to bed telling yourself that you’re going to get up early and get a bunch of stuff done?
You then proceed to be woken up by your alarm the next morning, snoozing it 7 times, waking up at 10:43am.
Yet another day of failure. I’ve realized this is basically just procrastination. Maybe it’s not the technical definition, but it seems to work very similarly. Where your current self puts a burden on your future self. Your current self has so much faith in your future self that it casts all worries aside knowing that future self will take care of it.
Once you catch up to that future self, you’re offended that you have to do that extra work because you thought that was something for your future self, not for yourself. Somehow, in some weird way, we separate ourselves into two different people and think that our future self is going to enjoy doing some tasks so much more than our current self. All it really does though is make future self mad at past self.
In order to quit this habit, you have to be able to see past the here and now and know your future self. When you can realize that future self is the same person as you, it becomes much easier to start getting the stuff done that you need to now.
Another example of this would be the dishes. I’ve realized for myself that if I don’t do my dishes as soon as I use them and I give them to future me, I will almost NEVER do them. Or I might do them, but I will enjoy it SO much less than if I had done them right away. Especially if you’ve already eaten with whatever dishes you’ve used, there’s not even any reward for doing the dishes.
Stop hating your future self and start letting your current self do some work.
Joey, you just made doing dishes philosophical.
Confronting post 😳🤐
I am so guilty of this. So so very guilty.