It’s easy to be distracted in life. When we’re starting to get in a rhythm of productivity, that’s often when it strikes the hardest. As a “lazy day” or a quick errand.
It’s sometimes even harder to know when it’s a distraction that’s good that you should pay attention to and when it’s something you really need to drive right on by. This weekend I feel I had a share of both and yet it all evened out, but it does make me want to be more cautious with where I commit my time and what I commit to doing with that time.
Realizing some distractions are a good thing is one of the hardest things to do, but so necessary to forming good and lasting friendships.
This evening started with a bros night and ended with a baptism in a bathtub. Who would have known it was possible, but anything is possible in the world we live in and the God who created it.