Have you ever asked someone how life was and they said that it was incredibly boring and nothing ever happened? There are a few odd ones out there who might say this, but almost everyone that I ever ask this question to says something along the lines of “Oh my goodness, life is crazy for me right now. I’m so busy ALL the time. I literally don’t have time to drink water.”
I’ve found that I fall into this often as well. Whether when it’s people asking me about texts I haven’t responded to or it’s people wanting to go get coffee together, play sports together, planning a party, etc. Even for things that I want to do, I find myself telling others that I’m too busy to commit to more stuff.
I’ve found though that the human schedule is much larger than most people think it is. When you stop glorifying sleep, stop worshiping time in between activities, stop over-estimating how long things will take, start being productive with your time, you’ll probably realize about 50% more space on your schedule than you had before.
We spend so much time stressed that we don’t have time to do something, so we give up on a lot of great opportunities. We’re “busy” so we can’t do the thing everyone else is doing.
My girlfriend and I planned originally when we knew we were going to have to tackle the long-distance thing that we would do a date night once a week. We held this for awhile, but when our schedules changed, it became increasingly more difficult to hold this and it seemed communication wasn’t working really well.
We both thought we were too busy, and we couldn’t ever find a time that would work to talk, so we decided we would just talk every day. *All the eyes turned* Wait so a week wasn’t working because you were too busy so you move to every day? How does that work?
We agreed just to talk for a short time if needed and that we could make it a priority each day. We’ve now done this for a week and I already feel better. What I’ve realized though is that we have way more time on our schedules than we thought because most of our calls have been in the 30-60 minute range. That means that somewhere in there we had a bunch of time that we were accounting for.
Let’s make a trend cool to not talk about how busy we are and instead talk about how exciting life is is.