It’s a weird feeling to realize that others may think about you sometimes. Though admittedly, I think we think that other people think about us way more than they really do. When I was younger, and even still some today, it’s weird for me to stop focusing on myself. Not necessarily in a selfish way, but meaning that when I wasn’t around someone, it was weird to think that they still had a life that was going on. It’s still weird for me sometimes to think about that Brad Pitt actually lives in the same world that I do. That he just had a full Tuesday day just like I did. Our lives might look very different, but we both existed and lived today.
We’re very self-focused creatures. It’s hard for us to focus on other people. I’ve blogged numerous times about the fact that others rarely think about you. When you’re freacking out about what people think about what you’re wearing, they’re probably much more concerned about what they’re wearing or about who’s looking at them to think about what you’re wearing.
A surprise birthday party is something that hits a lot of emotions. When it’s done right, there’s the initial surprise of finding out everyone is at your house, or at the venue, or wherever you do it. You’re shocked to see so many of the people you know in one place. Maybe more than the physical shock of seeing the people, it’s the realization that people think about you. That while you were off living your life, full of activities, there was a whole group of people who were thinking and planning something for you.
Even though our mind makes us think that people are always looking at us and thinking about us, when we find out that people actually are thinking and talking about us, it feels a bit weird.
I can only imagine the feeling for some of the stars who are practically a household name. How weird it must be to know that every day, there are people in every continent talking about you? What an incredible effect and impact.
The surprise party effect is something that hits hard, and if you haven’t experienced it, I hope you get to someday.