What would you be willing to sacrifice to live in the furthest north city in the world. The current claim to this is a city in Norway, but several cities in Canada give it a run for it’s money.
The furthest north island in the world is called Ellesmere island, and there a small city on this island as well.
I’ve loved spending the last 5 days learning the intricacies of what it’s like to be a resident of Alaska. Lot’s of hard work, but beautiful. Something that’s still hard for me to wrap my mind around is the clock. Always sunny in the summer, always dark in the winter. I’m a sucker for change, but when sunset is changing times by 7 minutes a day, it seems a bit crazy.
There are many small cities north of us. Ones that you have to fly to get to. The weather and life that these people deal with make you wonder who on earth decided to make a city there and why does a person stay, but for whatever reason, they do.