It can be really difficult to know when you’re doing something that annoys other people. Even someone who has a good awareness of people’s moods can find it difficult to know what he or she may be doing that is driving someone else crazy…sometimes.
There are times when others make it very obvious that something you’re doing or did annoy them, and there’s no explaining that needs to be done there.
I was thinking of this today, specifically in the context of relationships. When there’s another couple around you doing something that annoys you, it’s easy for you to notice that and figure out what’s annoying you about them. However, it can be much more difficult as the couple to know what you may be doing that is that driving factor.
If you’re all on your own and no one tells you anything, how can you know? You know what you think might be the case, but you could be way off. However, if you have another couple, or several couples around you that you can observe, all of a sudden you start to realize what are things that might make others uncomfortable or plain annoyed.
This isn’t an “always people please the people around you” post, but I do think it’s important to be cognizant of the situations around you and how you affect them. By seeing yourself in those around you, you can start to be convicted of the things you need to work on.
Instead of looking at others and condemning them for their unrighteousness, look at others and figure out how you can also grow in the areas they may be struggling in…then go and talk to them about where they’re at.