As a recovering people-pleaser, confrontation is something that I generally avoid at all costs. However, also being extremely competitive, it’s not a completely foreign thing to me. When it needs to be done, I will be the one to do it, but I don’t try to seek it out.
When there is reconciliation that needs to happen, it’s a hard thing for many people to swallow. Maybe it’s something that has hurt them, maybe it’s that they’ve hurt someone else, maybe it’s just a misunderstanding. In any case, there is often “confrontation” that has to happen for true reconciliation to happen.
In order for greater peace, sometimes you have to have confrontation. I am by no means suggesting that there should be needless blaming and petty arguing, but if there is something that you have against your brother, or they have something against you, don’t harbor that bitterness. It’s something that will only grow. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking that it’s something that will go away, or that you’re actually glad you have something to hold against them. Get through the confrontation and be reconciled. It’s so much better in the long term.