When one of your best friends gets married, there’s some weird emotions that go with that. Sadness and happiness perhaps two of the strongest emotions. Part of you is so happy to see them happy, and especially when they pick a good partner, you’re happy because you get another friend. You’re sad because you think of all the memories that you’ve lived now knowing that those are in the past and will never be the same again.
You can continue having adventures even into marriage, but marriage then creates a different vibe for those adventures.
Tonight, at one of my best friend’s weddings, as he embarks on his new journey, I love how this journey brought back people from old journeys. I sat at a table with friends that all go way back and I couldn’t have been happier. We didn’t even need to have much conversation to have a good time. Just being with each other allowed us to.
Now, he’s married, but instead of being sad about losing the old times, I’m excited for the many adventures that await.