I feel as though I’ve fallen behind in creating content on this blog that provides any real value for the reader and it has become more a place to gather my own thoughts.
I’ve been open handed with the direction of the blog and often had to realize that I may not be a gifted enough writer to produce content “worth” publishing every day. I say worth with quotation marks because I’m still a strong advocate for publishing your thoughts every day. That’s always worth it in my opinion. By “worth” I simply mean something that creates value for others.
Perhaps if I made it more of a focus or put more constructive time into it, but at this point in life, writing is an important part of my day, but not an important part of my professional goals. I can’t stress enough how much writing has helped my thoughts and ideas over the past almost two years. At the same time, it’s never been something I’ve worked hard at getting better at, I’ve only become better from repetition.
All this to say, over the next two weeks, I’m going to be backpacking in the mountains of Washington and Montana. Because of this, and since service will be spotty anyway, I’ve decided to take a two week break from publishing. I’ll continue to write each day in my notebook and will plan to share my daily thoughts once I return, so, if at all possible, my streak will continue.
So, if you see a two week break on my blog, not to worry, posts will come back shortly, and hopefully I’ll have some fun stories to tell upon my return.