It seems like there’s nothing quite like packing for a big trip to bring you to your knees on realizing you own more than you need. The best time to go through all of your stuff is at 2am the night before you leave on a trip, right?
Within the next two months, I will be moving, and today’s packing adventure has once again reinforced that I want to get rid of a lot of my stuff. I’ve been feeling this coming for awhile, especially after reading the book “Radical” by David Platt.
Even stuff that I use, I don’t need, and I want to get better about having stuff that I count as necessities or near necessities. If I really hope to go to another country someday, I don’t want to feel like I’m missing so much. I want to start not being high maintenance and not needing a lot of things now.
Who knew that packing for a trip could bring such strong emotions, but I can’t wait until I get back home and can go on a rampage here on the stuff I own and get rid of a whole chunk of it!