I’ve talked many times about the feelings of looking back on a time and being grateful that I’m not still in the times. Many of the old jobs that I’ve had I’ve been glad for the time I had working them, even really enjoyed some of them, but I’m so happy now that I’m where I am. God has moved me from where I was then to where I am now.
I like the feeling of moving forward. I don’t want to be stagnant in where I am. Not physically, but to feel like I’m not growing is not a good feeling and I would argue is genuinely not a good thing to get stuck in.
I would actually say that it’s impossible to remain stagnant. There are only two ways to live your life: progressing or decreasing. You cannot stay in one spot. If you think you’re staying in the same spot, you’re moving backward. The world moves along, and you can move along with it or you can move backward.
I digress.
The last week, specifically, the last three days, have been one of those times that you can almost tell are the good ol’ days as they’re happening. Spending time with people that I love, having a good time, almost feeling like there’s not a care in the world.
It’s odd though, it feels different from the old good times because it’s future me enjoying these good times. I’m a different person from the person that enjoyed the old good times. I also have new friends. Maybe most different, now I have a girlfriend that I enjoy these good times with. A similar feeling in a vastly different stage of life and feelings.
This week has been a combination of so many good things coming together. Spending time with my girlfriend (who is long distance), spending time with friends that I love, doing things that are both important and fun to me. The combination of these has gotten me excited about the future this evening.
And yet, even in all of this, I haven’t lost sight of the eternal weight of why I am here on this earth – to proclaim the gospel to those who don’t know it. To give God glory in all I do and point others to do the same. This doesn’t feel like a burden but instead feels like a weight that is lifted. I know why I’m here on this earth so I can go out and have a good time without having to feel guilty or purposeless doing it.
If you continue to go out and live your life having a good time but feeling bad afterward, I encourage you to think about what it is that’s making it good times. Is it really things like I mentioned before? The relationship, the friends, the things you’re doing? Because mine isn’t. Those are some of the ingredients that have gone into the good time, but I would not be able to have a good time were it not for a God up above who I could serve and who gave me a purpose for life.
To Him alone am I thankful and to Him alone will you be able to have a good time that lasts longer than just this life.