“There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.”
A quote that may resonate with extrovert a bit more than introverts.
As I met with my potential roommates for the Fall this evening, I was thinking about what a big impact these two guys could have on my life over the next 12 months. People who I don’t know anything about right now will likely go through some of the toughest times of the year with me next year. And not only will they know me and my pains, I will experience first hand their own pain, struggles, and of course, annoying tendencies.
It’s odd how some people almost instantly switch over from stranger to friend. People who you didn’t know at all say one thing and it’s like you instantly click and become great friends from there on out. Others, it takes more work. After a few times of meeting them, you still feel a little weird calling them your friend. You “know” them. But you don’t jive with them enough to call the your friend.
Some people, you never know when they crossed over from stranger or acquaintance to friend, it just happened.
Often times I find myself looking back on times thinking, “man, I had no idea then that this person would be such a crucial part of my life.” My girlfriend being a prime example. Someone I’ve known for 6+ years, yet never 6 years ago would have thought “this girl is going to totally change my world and be one of the biggest blessings in my life.”
So for once, it’s cool to feel like I have a heard start on that. Knowing that I may not even know these guys’ favorite color, but that in a year’s time, I’m going to know more about the guys than I probably wish to know.
What an exciting time looking to the future!