People are prideful.
That’s the long and short of it and upon it lies most of the problems we experience.
In this season of not seeing others, Zoom calls, Facetime calls, GoogleDuo calls, and call calls, communication has become maybe more important than ever. Whereas in normal life, you can depend on seeing people just in the everyday goings. Now you have to make the effort to make it happen
Even though many people are missing their friends during this time, there’s a weird dichotomy where the missing doesn’t turn into reaching out to them. It’s like it’s too much work to reach out and make that happen.
Even pre-corona, people don’t reach out to their friends. Not because they don’t want to, but because they’re afraid to make the first move. Everyone thinks that the other person doesn’t want to talk, so they don’t reach out. They don’t want to be seen as needy.
It’s almost as if people think they look bad if they’re the one who wants to talk. They want others to think that they don’t need anyone.
If people simply sucked up their pride and made the first move. Called their friend, texted and arranged a call, more people would realize that everyone else is waiting for the other person to make the move too.
Be the friend who reaches out. See what happens.