When you are putting a puzzle together, each piece plays its part in making a bigger masterpiece. As you put the puzzle together, you can sometimes put in a piece that, while close, does not belong where you put it.
I’ve found this is how many roles in life work. We often have giftings and places that we fit very well in. Some might even say a perfect fit.
Unfortunately, it seems we’re often all too eager to do things that are not in our gifting. Much of the world doesn’t have a focus on going where you’re gifted. God has designed each of us with different roles and different giftings.
There is a big movement in the world of “just do what you want. Whatever makes you happy,” but what I’ve often found is that if we can pursue after something that is our gifting, we end up also enjoying it. When we fit in the puzzle where we’re supposed to, we end up being part of a bigger picture. It’s something that brings much joy.
You can often accomplish goals that need to be accomplished with multiple tools, but if we have the right one for the job, everything becomes so much easier.