Being connected to the health industry during this chaotic time has been eye opening.
I’ve been seeing both sides of it. The side of the industry that is being overburdened by the influx of people coming in for emergency visits, but also the side that has to shut down shop because only necessary appointment are happening. No elective surgeries.
The scramble for the latter to get things in place to do telehealth (video of phone appointments) has been surreal to watch. So many medical practices who are already usually scraping by now have an enormous obstacle that seems impossible.
With layoffs happening at many of these practices, workloads are going up, and the challenges continue to increase.
Working for a company that can really help and make a difference is pretty cool. I’ve never actually thought that deeply about what we do, but some of what we are helping these practices to do is literally saving their entire practice and hopefully helping millions of their patients across the country.
The chaos is real but how cool it is to work for a company that really cares and is trying to help and make a difference.