Dogmatism: the tendency to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others.
I like to pretend that other people are Dogmatic and I’m simply right. It’s important to separate what you know to be right and what you think to be right. Words are important and we can get ourselves into lots of trouble saying things as fact when they’re really not.
It’s okay to be firm on something, but it’s just as important to leave it open if you don’t know for sure. Both girls and guys do it, albeit, guys more often. No one cares who’s horse is bigger, but if you’re going to debate, at least know it’s bigger before you start arguing.
Dogmatism is often the root of holding you back from believing what is the truth. And there is some amount of Dogmatism that can actually be good (depending on how you define it).
Be convicted of what you believe and be open on what you think you know.