Ronald Reagan was controlled by astrologists and his wife, Hitler couldn’t function without Theodor Morell, Nicholas II of Russia depended on Rasputin.
All of these are theories. Some closer to facts than theories. There is much evidence that Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy wouldn’t make almost any large decision (or even travel across the country) without consulting their astrologist first.
Hitler, during the height of WW2, became dependant on a man named Theodor Morell to administer different doses and concoctions of drugs to keep him from having severe stomach pain and to maintain his stamina.
Nicholas II of Russia was the last Tsar of Russia. His reign ending during WW1. Because of his son’s sickness, he was dependant on a man named Rasputin to keep his son from being sick. He couldn’t stand him at times but he became dependent on him to help with his son
These were some of the most powerful people in the world when they were alive and they were in some ways being controlled by these unknown figures. Most of these people you probably don’t even recognize the names of, but they may have had just as much of an impact on history as these great world leaders did.
You should never give absolute power to one man. Even if he is perfect, who knows what could happen to him or if he is forced to do something he doesn’t want to do because of unforeseen circumstances.