Every once in a while you get really lucky. Usually, you don’t deserve it.
About a month ago I was debating as to whether I wanted to go to Colorado in the next month to visit friends. I was pretty serious about it and thought about buying a ticket when I first went on and checked flights. It would have been about $100 roundtrip. I thought, “hey, that’s not that bad, I might as well.”
But I decided to hold off. I set to get price alerts from Google Flights when that price amount changed. I didn’t really expect anything and pretty much as soon as those kinds of emails come to my inbox, I delete them. I don’t even look at them.
For some reason though, I looked at this one.
$28 round trip to Denver. I was floored. I thought there was surely some hidden fee, but I got all the way to buying the flight and sure enough, $28. Round trip.
Sometimes patience pays off…but it’s so hard…so I probably won’t be doing that again.
Tomorrow I’m grateful for a $14 flight to Denver. Time to see some snow.