Social capital can often seem like a dirty word. It has a connotation of “how can I do something now so that I can benefit later.” Which in itself is not a bad thing, but it does cause people to have a feeling of ulterior motives when you help them.
Social capital to me is something more that you don’t think about. The more you think about social capital I think the less enjoyable of a person you are to be around. I am a full believer in living intentionally and purposefully but when you start deciding everything you do based on if it’s earning you social capital or figuring out how you can cash in social capital, the “me” party that you’re constantly throwing gets exhausting.
Social capital is something that should come from being a decent human being. When someone needs help, if it’s in your power to do so, help them, when someone asks a favor, if you can sacrifice the time to do it, do it, when you see a stranger on the street who’s looking for directions, give them directions.
Just be a good human. And then when the time comes, remember that a lot of other people are also good humans. Humanity is imperfect in many ways and by nature are selfish beings, but I think you’d be surprised at how many are willing to help someone who asks for it.
Have some faith. Take some risks.
Be a good human.