There are some bad things in life, and then there are the downright headache-inducing terrible things that you wish you had never heard. Today I learned about something called Ageusia. A complete loss of taste functions. One of my co-workers brought this horrific disease up today.

One of his friends has had the disease since birth and has never tasted anything in his entire life. Never. Tasted. Anything.

Some might say it’s a blessing he had it from birth. Rather than going from enjoying the many delicious things of life to not tasting anything, just start out never having had it. Ignorance is bliss, right? Imagine for a second though, all those cravings you get for certain kinds of foods. Ever just really want a hamburger? A little spicy Mexican? Something fruity and sweet?

These are things that someone with true Ageusia will never experience. This may seem trivial, and while I write this post somewhat jokingly, think of the effect this really would have on your life. To never have the urges or reactions that we do because of how something tastes.

This isn’t necessarily worse than going blind or losing your hearing, but it’s most certainly talked about less and less noticeable to the outside world. It’s also much rarer.

When was the last time you took for granted being able to taste something?

Mine was lunch.