“He was a top executive for a Fortune 500 company and was curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. His body and mind a shadow of who most people knew him as.”
This, or something close to this was the story of a lady who spoke tonight in a class I’ve been going to for the past couple of months. She, her husband, and four kids moved to India to do missions by creating business. They had previously been an extremely wealthy family. Her husband was an executive at a company that, let’s just say, was not struggling financially.
He was a large man and people respected him much. Both from his stature and the position of leadership he had in business and especially his company.
But here they were, after feeling called to the other side of the world, her husband having lost over 60 pounds and near death because of a disease. The drastic change happening in the course of 6 months.
Every day we live is a miracle. Literally, every breath we take is a gift given to us by God. God can give us health or can take it away. Seeing several friends pass from this life recently and even more suffering from major sicknesses has made me realize just how little there is keeping us from a life of sickness or a major life change due to an accident.
Life is a gift. How will you use the seconds you have now while you’re healthy to accomplish the goals that you’ve set for yourself and the direction that God has called you to?