Spontaneity isn’t something I thought a whole lot about until recent years. Really, hardly at all until even this year. I understood the word and what it meant, but this year I’ve realized it seems almost whole personalities can be built off of this simple word.
If you say someone is spontaneous it seems there are other stigmas that follow along with this. Similar to any personality test, you’ll pin some things perfectly and others will be totally off.
In the past year, I’ve realized how much I appreciate spontaneous activities. Not only adventures and fun activities last minute, but even big projects or performances. Having a short amount of time to prepare for something that should have taken weeks.
This happens because of laziness all the time for people. They have a month to do research for a test and put it off until the night before. I’m as guilty as anybody of this, but I’m talking about the ones out of your control. Where it comes up out of the blue and you have to use your creativity to come up with a solution quickly.
Although it’s often high pressure, it seems like it’s high reward. You don’t have the prolonged stress of it coming up. It’s just a lot of pressure and BOOM, it’s over. You did it!
Don’t get me wrong though, my initial thoughts are hesitation and doubt. I hate the idea of having to do something that I haven’t been able to prepare properly. I think I just like the challenge even more.
I’ve had my fair share of these situations before. Even being asked one time to play a wedding that was happening in two days’ time. I’ve grown so much through these experiences and I’ve come to love them!
To spontaneity!