I’ve become much more willing to listen and hear other’s ideas recently. I’m trying to get better at only believing something if I’ve studied it and know it’s what I believe.
I have the kind of personality where I can sound smart about a lot of things when in reality know almost nothing about them. See my last post to know why I had to do this so much growing up.
Instead of trying to be right for the sake of being right, defend a position that you know you can defend till the end. It doesn’t mean you have all the answers, but it at least means that you’re familiar with the subject.
I enjoy hearing people’s different ideas and different takes. Even if I disagree, it forces me to learn better why I disagree.
The ultimate truth source is from the word of God through scripture. If someone believes something in contrast to that, that is where I will stand on my pedestal trying to proclaim what I believe is right.
In general though, different people think differently, and it’s great to have conversations with them and learn what makes them tick.