Sometimes it feels like a huge drag having to plan before big events. You’re excited for what you’re going to do but you don’t want to have to put so much effort into something that will go by so fast.

I’ve gone on a fair amount of backpacking trips. So that I have planned and some that I have simply been invited to. The ones that I have been invited to, I often take for granted the work that goes into the planning…until I plan my own and remember all too well.

I’ve gone on quite a few backpacking trips with a guy who grew up in the boy scouts and camping all the time. In fact, I think he’s counted up the nights he’s spent on the trail and it adds up to over a year. More than 365 nights sleeping under the stars.

He uses backpacking trips as a way to help young men get out of the hubbub and craziness of life and separate in nature. Something you often see in scripture is that God often calls men into ministry after a time in some sort of wilderness. Marc, my friend likes to get guys out “in the wilderness” to help them connect with God in a way that they might not be able to in the middle of the city while in the business of life.

These trips have shaped my huge love for outdoor adventures and unhealthy obsession with new backpacking gear.

Marc gets food at the store, prepares it and separates it in everyone’s packs, scouts out what trails we will do/what maps he needs. He has three kids and a wife at home that he sacrifices time with to spend time helping us guys grow.

The amount of planning that he puts into these trips can often go overlooked, but trying to organize one of these trips will instantly cure your oblivion of thinking it’s an easy job.

In the end though, by the extra planning ahead of time you save yourself from having to plan other things later on. For instance, checking out where you’re going to have to park while you’re on your three-day trip, how you’re going to get back to that place, how your transportation is going to work.

If you don’t plan that ahead of time, you’re going to be in a world of hurt and end up spending probably 10x as long as you would have if you had just planned a little before.

The planning can be annoying, and it’s fun to have some things that come up spur of the moment, but having a plan that doesn’t mind being moved around is a great idea.

Having something you can do, and if something else better comes up, do that! But have a plan.