I talked to over 50 medical practices at a conference this weekend. About thirteen of them were practices that are already my customer that I set up a meeting with and the rest were completely new.
As always, there are some more interested than others in what our platform can do, but out of these almost 40 new leads, about 20 of them expressed interest in taking next steps or seeing a demo, and two of them wanted to go live before they left the conference.
It was a great feeling. Not just the idea of gaining leads for the company, but realizing, the reason we were gaining these leads was because we were speaking to a real pain-point for many of these practices. By the end of the conference, people were coming to us saying someone else told them that we could solve a problem for them so they wanted to see how we could do that.
It was a great learning experience for me. I talked one-on-one with a few prospects, especially toward the end of the conference, but almost all of my conversations with the others on my team. People who are so much more knowledgeable about the field and our platform.
I was able to hear what they said, how they said it, what resonates, what doesn’t, when people are engaged, when they want to leave, etc.
Being around such an incredible team allows me to surround myself with great teachers without having to have a formalized teaching process. Which is 100% an easier way for me to learn instead of being inside a classroom.
I know that I learned more in the last three days at this conference than I would have learned in two years of college courses trying to teach me.
The real-life experience was fantastic.
I now realize however that my next week is going to be a bit of a nightmare juggling all of the stuff I’ve gotten behind on from being gone, the new leads from the conference, and continuing to reach out to our current customers to check-up on them. Not to mention, this is my first week working fully remote.
It’s going to be a challenging week, but I’m excited to dive in see how well my organization skills work.