It’s hard to get truly disconnected from technology. I’m off backpacking in one of the most remote National Prks in the country, yet I still have to try and stay connect.

1. For this blog post

2. To keep up with any issues going on with my work.

Tomorrow, I have to try and find some WiFi that will hold up enough for me to work remotely. I’m basically in the middle of nowhere and I know this is going to be hard, but it’s worth it.

Today, I once again felt the joy of feeling pain in the legs while ascending a beautiful mountain. One of my favorite feelings in the world.

I wish so badly I could spend more time doing this, but once again, I have to stay connected in some ways.

Maybe I’ll find away to truly unplug again someday. I really do desire for it.

I feel silly writing a blog post as I’m about to sleep in a tent…should these things mix?

Well, tonight they do.