Actual email from an actual customer today:
“Question for you tech guys who like to build projects for me…)”
You tech guys was never something I thought I would be called. I was the guy who spent a year with no electricity. I was super behind on tech stuff. I didn’t do computers.
But here we are.
I’ve realized that in my job as an account manager, I see myself much differently than most of my customers do. They experience me as a solver of their tech problems. They have problems with my company’s software, they call out to me because I’ve branded myself as their “advocate.” I either problem solve to fix it or transfer the problem to someone who knows how to deal with it and I keep them updated on the process. When it takes two weeks to solve a problem, I follow up with them every 5 days and let them know we haven’t forgotten and are still working on it.
I see myself as a friend to our customers. Probably the person most in the company who cares more about the customer well being than the company. I don’t really, but I’m always there to hear what’s happening for them and asking how I can make their experience as good as possible.
Some might see me as a friend, but most probably see me as a “get out of jail” card. Someone to contact when all things are going wrong. When they can’t get through to our support team, or when they have a question they feel dumb about asking.
I’m an “expert” on our software, so to them, that means I’m an “expert” in all tech and computer wizardry.
I am the furthest thing from a tech expert. I just have applied myself to our software so that I can help wherever I can.
Become the “tech guy” of your job. It feels great.